Today's nail art isn't amazing, but it's an improvement from my recent attempts at creativity.
I took inspiration from a top I have which has nice little hearts of animal print. I thought I would mix it with purple, because I love it so! The purple used is Essence '05 Maybe I'm Amazed' which I really don't know if it's available in the UK because I got it on holiday elsewhere in Europe. I haven't seen it here though.
For the hearts, I used one out of twelve water nail decals (the set comes in 12 so I cut one out as I didn't want to waste an entire set just on hearts). I managed to cut it into 10 little hearts, and honestly, I think this took me longer than anything else.

I then painted (badly) Barry M Gold Foil around the edged of the hearts because they didn't stand out much from the background (they look darker in real life and there wasn't much contrast).
Overall, I'm relatively happy with it, probably more because I opened another bottle of Seche Vite for this because my other one is thick and I don't know if I can be bothered to buy Restore. I'll see!