Ooh, I've really missed blogging, and I feel sort of bad that I haven't posted since January... oops! I
have been doing my nails, although I must admit that I haven't been taking photos of them lately. I've had too much stuff to do, what with essays and general uni work.

This is the last week of the semester (woohoo!) and I still have exams to do (booo) so I doubt I will be very active on here over the next couple of months either - which is why I thought I'd make an effort to actually post something on here today. First, I have to say I'm quite proud of myself for actually clearing up the pile of junk I had on this computer desk - I haven't been bothered to sit at the desktop computer because I was too cold, so I've been seeking refuge under a heated blanket and laptop for about 5 months.

ANYWAY, because I felt like spending an hour doing nail art, and because I'm just so fashion conscious *cough*, I thought I'd do some Aztec inspired nails, which seem to be coming back into style, again. I basically picked a few colours I liked and though 'Yeah, that'll do'.
I started off by using a base coat, then Sally Hansen 'White On' for a blank canvas. I then put on different colours (which, in honesty, I don't feel like going to dig out just to find the names at this minute) in different shapes and used a fine brush to draw on the lines, zig-zags, dots, etc.

Sorry for the short post, hope to be back soon with many more posts!