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Friday, 28 June 2013

Summer! (+bloglovin' reminder)

Hey guys!

I know it has been absolutely ages since I posted (almost 3 months, whaaaat!?) While I have been doing my nails, I've just not had the time do do blog posts due to uni (which admittedly finished mid-May for me, but I've just been chilling out since then, ultimately doing nothing, shhhh).

Hopefully, I will be posting more over the next couple of months and I actually have a few things lined up already! Some reviews, nail art (once I regain my creativity) and more.

One thing I would like to add here is that, as most people know in the blogging world, Google have decided to retire Google Reader - it will be stopped on Monday 1st July, and because of this, most nail bloggers are using bloglovin' as a replacement. Thanks to everyone who has already followed me via bloglovin', and if you haven't, please click on the button below!
Follow on Bloglovin

Looking forward to blogging again soon! :)