This is a gorgeous colour, even without using the magnet (by the way, the magnet forms the darker lines, the lighter lines are the original paint colour).
What you have to remember is that you only need to hold the magnet to the wet polish for about 2 seconds (I ignored the instructions on the bottle the first time I got it thinking 'surely it needs more than a couple of seconds!' but holding it longer actually makes the lines disappear as quick as they appear so be careful of that. Also, instead of just putting the magnet on it, I also roll it slightly from side to side so that the sides get a little bit of effect too because if you have quite curved nails like I do, only the middle bit gets the effect otherwise!
It can be a little tricky to use because you have to be pretty quick in using the magnet after applying the second coat, or else it won't work well. Also, while it says you need to be quite generous when applying the nail polish, you have to be careful not to apply too much or else it will form bubbles. Sometimes a bit of practice is key!
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